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Night driving effect

So, im working on a short film, where a person inside the car will be abducted by aliens. I will have a scene where a car will be driving at night time, break down, and large powerfull beam of light will illuminate the car from the sky..

My problem is that I do not have access to powerful spot lights to illuminate the car, so i thought...

"What if I'll shoot the night scene during daylight, like an hour before the sunset, and will use after effects to transform the scene into night. That way i can manipulate day light, and with some masks make it look like a spot light"..

Well, I did a test shot earlier today and played around with the footage.

My question to you - does it look semi believable? Any suggestions?


I figured maybe illuminate different areas with break lights, and add night ambient sounds as well.

Majority of the short film will take in the car, which will be shot during an actual night time, so I think swtiching between interior car shots, and exterior might help out a bit as well..

PS..... don't laugh at my beat up car... it cost me $300... I'm that cheap..
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First of all, good job on the effect. You did pretty well. I can totally see you've watched some VC tutorials, lol.

I've actually got quite a few suggestions i could make, but instead of having people telling you what they think you should add, why don't you shoot the car coming in again from the same angle, during actual night.

Compare the two shots, see what's different, and work on it. That way you can see for yourself exactly what the difference is. I think it would be a very good learning experience for anyone trying to do special effects or CGI

Edit: And you'll be surprised at how actual night aren't as dark as we think it is. But make sure you got a camera with good low light performance.