archived-videos "Nice Doggy" trailer is complete

The Chiller TV competition is over now, they will announce winners at the end of October.
The whole movie is still posted there in case anyone is interested, I didn't want to advertise it until the voting was over with so it didn't look like I was doing some kind of advertising for it!

See "NICE DOGGY" in its entirety here!

There was a very encouraging and supportive group on the Chiller discussion boards and a lot of good directors entered films. There was a lot of crap too!!:lol:

That was a fun movie. Thanks for sharing. I think doggy was a little too nice, though. I was waiting for him to attack like a vorpal bunny. :lol:
Thanks, that was my first attempt at bringing an entire picture together and even for 7 minutes it was a trying experience!!
I only had a few hours to work with Sheila, she could only come to the house on Labor Day so I had to make sure I planned out all the shots with her right then.
I just had to work in all my shots around her and make it look like we were in the same room at the same time for the ending.

Merlin was entertaining to work with, every time I set up a shot for him he would do a great job in rehearsal and then just get to the critical moment and sit down when the camera was rolling. I burned up an entire MiniDV tape on a couple of scenes with him!

I took Knightly's advice and bought an ATR-55 microphone to record the dialog, but sadly the compression on Chiller made it a little bit noisy at times.

And thanks to Sonnyboo I had just the right music for the dream sequence (properly credited I might add)

The one thing I noticed is how fast the deadline creeps up on you. I thought I could get the movie edited and entered on the first day of posting, but I had to take an extra 3 days just to tweak everything, and even with that I still am finding things I would fix given more time.
Good job!

The one thing I noticed is how fast the deadline creeps up on you. I thought I could get the movie edited and entered on the first day of posting, but I had to take an extra 3 days just to tweak everything, and even with that I still am finding things I would fix given more time.

I know how that is! I think we all know how that is.
So true...after doing a couple of films, I'm beginning to understand Lucas' need to "fix" his earlier films...I'm not saying it was right or good for him to do so...just that I understand.