newbies and features


So I hate being told I can't...... Consulted on a few things for a 5 minute short. I had a blast so I asked about making a feature length film. Once the director was done laughing he mumbled for 10 minutes about cost and difficulty and a million other things. Then he said there was no way I could ever make a feature.....

So I put together a team of close friends and we wrote for 45 days to the tune of a 120 page feature length script. We then spent the next 6 months shooting in our free time. We are now 95% done with post which includes a custom score.

We were able to get it all done with a budget of $2000 to $4000. I havent added up our actual costs yet.

I can find very little info here about feature length stuff. Is that a good budget for an Indie action film? Time frame from pen to post 18 months good?

I'm just not sure how to judge how we did. One of our guys is a web designer so he set us up a website and facebook if anyone wants to look at it. We do have a trailer up but it was produced with only 70% of shooting done so its so so and the audio is a little rough.

Anyway im open to suggestions and where from here?

The website is
We stumbled across a local musician that has built a custom score. They will also handle the final mix and its gonna b mixed in 5.1 surround. If the foley is good enough he will put the THX stamp on it. No promises on that yet it depends on our audio quality.
You should post a production diary of all of the roadblocks and how you overcame them with as much technical information as you can remember/find out. I know that I would love to read how you got it done with almost no budget at all. Good job!
I don't know why you care so much about the dude who told you you couldn't do it. He might have just been telling you that you needed more experience. He might have been using a dick-ish tone, but he might have been offering good advice.
I will admit i knew nothing about making a movie.
It was definitely his tone but he didn't know me or what i am capable of accomplishing. A simple "its very difficult and expensive" would have worked. It was more like his personal status in life was way above mine because he knew how to make movies.
When people ask me about flying i tell them its difficult but im respectful about it and i always offer to continue to help them along the way.
I'm very impressed with it, as well. I'm proud of you for ignoring this nay-sayer and I hope your film kicks him in the juevos. Hard work, ingenuity, perseverance, and constant vision seem to be what has supplied you so far, and I encourage you to keep going.

Great job on keeping costs minimal and making the most with what you have. I, too, have spent about $ 4000 on my current feature, but have only shot about 25 %. I tip my hat to you, and live about an hour drive away, so you can call on me anytime you need help. Best of luck to you. :)