Newbie with Minolta manual focus lenses

I'm a complete newb to anything video. However, I have spent many years shooting film photos with various old 35mm cameras. The main camera I use is a Minolta X-570 and I have several old Minolta lenses that I use with it, including a 16mm f/2.8 fisheye and a 28mm f/2.8. I love the shallow DOF that these lenses can provide and I don't really see myself getting into video unless I can get the same 35mm DOF and POV that I'm used to.

So, I'm wondering what options, if any, are available for me to shoot video with these same Minolta MD/MC lenses? I used to think that my only option was a 35mm DOF converter, but now I'm wondering if a full-frame DSLR is a better option. I'm not sure what the cheapest full-frame DSLR is but I seriously doubt I can afford it. Because I have little money to spend, I was wondering if I could possibly buy or make a 35mm vibrating DOF converter and then somehow fix it onto a cheaper digital camera with a video mode such as a Canon powershot. I am absolutely not scared of vignetting, in fact I love it and use it all the time when taking film photos with my Olympus XA.
