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watch Newbie here, First music Video

There are some really dark and unlit parts of the video. You need to remember to properly set your exposure and light your scenes.

The audio in the car scene isn't great. Don't have the radio and air conditioning on while shooting. That is added later. Also, if you do not have a mic, I highly recommend you invest in one.

Also, that opening scene was too long. Lots of uninteresting dialogue. Took about a minute to get into it. Faster editing or just cut that scene out.

Camera reflection seen in car.
Names not needed.
Voices not matched with visuals.
Too many tripod shots.
Shoot stable. FCPX doesn't have a great warp stabilizer.
Nothing really interesting or new or inventive. There should be some type of story or message. The video overall felt flat.

I'm done tearing it apart. :D

There were some nice shots.
A couple of good edits and transitions.
In another thread, you mentioned you are a beginner and a bit new. Not bad for a new guy :)

Anyway, welcome :)
There are some really dark and unlit parts of the video. You need to remember to properly set your exposure and light your scenes.

The audio in the car scene isn't great. Don't have the radio and air conditioning on while shooting. That is added later. Also, if you do not have a mic, I highly recommend you invest in one.

Also, that opening scene was too long. Lots of uninteresting dialogue. Took about a minute to get into it. Faster editing or just cut that scene out.

Camera reflection seen in car.
Names not needed.
Voices not matched with visuals.
Too many tripod shots.
Shoot stable. FCPX doesn't have a great warp stabilizer.
Nothing really interesting or new or inventive. There should be some type of story or message. The video overall felt flat.

I'm done tearing it apart. :D

There were some nice shots.
A couple of good edits and transitions.
In another thread, you mentioned you are a beginner and a bit new. Not bad for a new guy :)

Anyway, welcome :)

Thanks for your critiques.

I agree with you on the opening scene. I didn't want it in there but they insisted it be included.

There was no use of a tripod. Everything was handheld.

I have a Sony mic on a long pole, but didnt use it.
Thanks for your critiques.

I agree with you on the opening scene. I didn't want it in there but they insisted it be included.

There was no use of a tripod. Everything was handheld.

I have a Sony mic on a long pole, but didnt use it.

I'd recommend you invest in a tripod or cheap rig, such as the Spider Steady.

Spider Steady:

You could also build a cheap rig. On these channels:

personally.. im going to be really harsh.

the video had no creative aspect whatsoever, they may aswell have held the camera themselves and got better results, also whats with the weird warping some sort of stabilsing effect?

dont know how old you are, or how experienced? but this was poor...
personally.. im going to be really harsh.

the video had no creative aspect whatsoever, they may aswell have held the camera themselves and got better results, also whats with the weird warping some sort of stabilsing effect?

dont know how old you are, or how experienced? but this was poor...

He's the guy who joined recently.

I agree the film is not really well made, but he's new at filmmaking. I have to cut him a little slack.

He's the guy who joined recently.

I agree the film is not really well made, but he's new at filmmaking. I have to cut him a little slack.


yeah but it wasnt even remotely interesting, just some homies pretending to do sign language which didnt work either, no story or anything :(

G-unit had some decent vids why not start emulating them a bit to get yourself up to a standard of being interesting
Fair enough.

OP, music videos should be entertaining and creative. 8S9 is right, there isn't really anything interesting about the video.
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I agree with you both.

I showed up at a BBQ, my boy asked did I have my camera on me, and we went from there. It was literally two hours from start to finish. No planning.

As a matter of fact, the song was chosen after they asked me to shoot.

No excuse for poor shit, but that's all I had to work with.
Hi rj, welcome to the Thunderdome!

Filmmaking is a lot of fun, you should keep up with it. :yes:

I can't really critique this video, other than to just say that two hours is not even slightly close to enough time for a music video shoot.

So that's my advice to you -- if you wanna make movies, put some time into it. Spend a great deal of time learning the basics of filmmaking, don't be afraid to do a lot of test-footage, make some throwaway short films, but take your time. This art definitely is not for those short on attention span (I'm not saying that's what you are; I know your friends kinda forced you into this extremely-rushed music video).

Good luck, have fun, and be sure to share your results here! :)
I agree with you both.

I showed up at a BBQ, my boy asked did I have my camera on me, and we went from there. It was literally two hours from start to finish. No planning.

As a matter of fact, the song was chosen after they asked me to shoot.

No excuse for poor shit, but that's all I had to work with.

Well you didn't say that in the first place did you :) but it's still poor, think about re-doing it.

Also just a warning, when you post your work think about what your posting, is it good enough, will people actually like it, can you handle the criticism, do you think you could show that video to a professional to show you had some talent?

These are things you need to think about in the real world, I mean unless your just doing it for fun and not trying to be serious then ok, but just think like this "the next person to see my video could be an employer, is my work good enough to show them?"

From that you should be able to establish a better Motto for yourself.

But congratulations on completing your first video.