Newbie hardware and software questions!

Hi folks,

This is my first post on here so a little background info won't go a miss. I am Luke, a 23 year old student living in Manchester.

I am just about to go into my second year at Salford University studying Comedy writing and performance.

My main interests are watching horror films and documentaries and these are areas that I would like to work in professionally once I have finished my degree (which whilst titled as Comedy writing and performance allows different pathways to be taken and is basically a course in media production).

I am in a very lucky position in that I have access to the Universities wide array of equipment, a lot of it high end stuff, however when it comes to editing and working on films at home I am worse than clueless.

As far as hardware goes I use(abuse) a 13 inch macbook pro that is 2 years old now but has never let me down. Software wise I have nothing other than what came on the macbook, I'm assuming I will have to purchase some decent editing software as I-movie isn't going to cut it.

So basically where do I start, my intentions are to write a 5 minute short horror, use actors from my course and use the universities equipment then edit it myself. Any tips on software I should be looking at would be hugely useful.

personally all you really need is adobe after effects and either Fcpx or adobe premier, also you havent said what camera you use? you will most likely need to convert your movie files into a suitable editing format...

you should also create droplets on your mac desktop screen for quick conversion and batch process...
I use fnal cut pro 7 and love it. I heard some negative stuff about x but I'm sure it's pretty good and you can't beat the price at 300 bucks. I remember when I bought mine it was about triple that. I've never used Premiere but I'm sure it's great also.
Cheers folks, Camera wise it will be whatever I can get my hands on at uni. Software wise I have just downloaded FCPX trial to give it a go.

Just going to take some stock footage on my Iphone to mess with the software for you.
Well 4 months have passed and I've done a thing or two. I filmed a presenting showreel which gave me a while to get used to using the camera and setting up all the gear which was good fun. I've also got FCP7 and whilst I'm far from competent I have got the basics sorted.

I've been contemplating getting a GH2 or maybe T3i but I'm not sure if the cost outlay is wise right now when I can use the Universities cameras and play around with my Iphone(no laughing at the back!).