New York International Independent Film and Video Festival?

Hey, I was curious if anyone has heard anything or knows much about the New York International Independent Film and Video Festival? How big it is, attendance of the festival, anything?

One of our films, Contention, has been accepted to this festival, and our company is still debating the merits of attending it and publicizing it, versus only tossing it at them and letting it show. Attending the festival and promoting it would be a huge investment, one we're hesitant to make without good words about the festival itself or the opportunity it permits.

Any opinions?
And they want $400 right? Or $1200? And you'll get a special LA screening?


see: google
I've heard both ways and I'm torn.

It's expensive, yes. Maybe outrageously so. But several people have said it's worth the experience, and a few films have come out of there and hit the market. So what's the real deal? Is the expensive cost simply guarenteeing us a place in the roster? If so, my ultimate question is: is it worth it?

We have 5 of us in our company and producing the short film (which will end up being a longer short film by the time the festival goes up) and if we purchase their Silver promoting package, and split it down the middle, all 5 of us get access to all the parties, screenings, etc. for little more than $300 and air fair each. So I guess, again, I ask: is it worth it?

Do people actually come watch our movie? Do pros come watch our movie? If so, I think that'd be totally worth the cash. And besides, a trip to So Cal couldn't hurt as a nice vacation.

But hey, I'm open to criticism. I want to hear it pretty bad.
It's worth it if you want to buy a screening, and promote it yourself, because that's exactly what it boils down to. It's not a "festival".
$300 is worth it if people will actually go. It sounds like these packages are too pricy, so having them promote our film is a load of crap - we'd have to do it ourselves. Is that what you are saying?

I seriously wouldn't mind the cash if people actually came.
I just googled the festival and included the word "scam" in the search. I found several articles, discussion groups/forums, etc where people document their experiences. Sounds like most of the complaints are that they pay the money, they get no promotion, and no one shows to their movie exept the cast and crew.

Try searching for articles / comments like this on the web...