New York Film Group?

Hey guys, looking to start a NYC film group that would meet up at different public locations in case any of us are secret slashers. Its mainly for NYC people but if anyone from the neighboring states are ever in the area it's open to all. I think it'd be cool maybe grabbing a beer with other posters and talking face to face about film and whatnot. Maybe even getting progress on projects other might want to be a part of. Whatever comes will be good. Not really expecting much just thought I'd see if anyone was interested in this. We can exchange numbers and emails or whatever and see where it goes.

Any interest?
How about starting out with the NY metro IndieTalk folks just getting together somewhere for a few drinks? It would be fun to meet everyone face to face, and we can take it from there.
How about starting out with the NY metro IndieTalk folks just getting together somewhere for a few drinks? It would be fun to meet everyone face to face, and we can take it from there.

Thats really all I wanted to do and see what happened. If anything it'd be good for some laughs and beers.
If you join MEETUP.COM, you find the NYFEN group. Join to become a member its fast and free and theres and interesting meetup event on the group site this weekend you might want to check out.