New User

Hi Indietalk community,

Just wanted to introduce myself. I am a student at the University of Maryland and am currently taking a summer film class. I just finished writing my first feature length script and am now working on a short. I am actually in the process of trying to get some gear together.

I am trying to buy a used SLR for somewhere around $500 that will give me the best bang for the buck. Any ideas?
'sup & hello, new guy :cool:

Maybe try pricing a used Canon T2i, for that price. Tonnes of threads on the forum about T2i, 550D, T3i etc.

Considered maybe just hiring someone with gear & experience to shoot it, instead of buying gear that you may not use all that frequently? Just a thought. :)

:welcome: to IndieTalk

T2i or T3i will probably suit you best. Here are a few videos showing what kind of quality you will get:

(Watch in HD)