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watch New Trailer for Chicago Indie Film


This is the new trailer for the feature film ONE NIGHT.


ONE NIGHT is the first film from the Chicago-based Any Moment Productions. The film was entirely shot in Chicago, Illinois in HD with a Canon HV30. The film portrays an evening in the life of Eddie, a graphic novelist, seeking a second chance with an ex-girlfriend, the love of his life, Nina. Meanwhile, his friend Max, an artist and musician, is hoping to start a new romance on a blind date with Veronica. As the couples wander through the city of Chicago, determined to see the sunrise together, each must come to terms with what they find truly important in the seemingly disintegrating world around them. Despite their efforts to appear confident and successful, they are all a little lost in life.

Funny, poetic, and emotional, the film aims to follow in the footsteps of other great Indie favorites such as Bottle Rocket, Before Sunrise, and Stranger Than Paradise. To find out how you can get involved in our film, to view full tech/equipment lists, cast photos, posters and updates, helping our film or for more information go to: http://www.*********.com/one-night

Without further ado, here is the trailer: http://www.vimeo.com/7569193

Thank you for your time!

I quite liked this. Well lit (noirish), good camera work, quality acting with what seems like an interesting take on the 'day in the life of' scenario...

I thought the sound was good, although sometimes the sound seemed off...like it wasn't boomed properly, or it was too echoey...a few scenes stood out...it breaks the general professional flow of production value a little, but it's not a big deal.

Good stuff. Looks like a film with great intentions and a solid team backing it up.


Thank you for the kind words and for taking the time to watch the trailer. It is nothing short of a miracle what we pulled off as far as production, quality actors, sound and camera work considering our schedule and budget. When I say this was a no-budget feature I mean it!

Sound is one of the areas everyone worries about (or should!) going into production and for good reason. I was nervous about how much filming in the wild we would be doing along with locations that couldn't be locked down 100% (apartment buildings, rooftops, alleys etc). However, I have been pleasantly surprised by the audio. The couple scenes that stand our now in trailer form I think will have both additional work and a proper mix with music, room tone etc.

I am working 24/7 on all of this and I greatly appreciate your comments and time. Thanks again.

Very compelling trailer... you'll have to let us know where we can get it when it is complete :)
I don't know if this was a computer/loading thing, but some of the scenes seem to be slightly out of sych...
Thanks! I will keep everyone posted as I claw my way through this rough cut. It is going well but you know it feels like it will never end.

The out of synch thing is vimeo and not the clip. Vimeo is far superior to youtube for quality uploading but it does lag sometimes mid-video if you don't let it load all the way first before playing.

Are you still working on the project featured on your blog/signature?

Thanks again-

Thank you for the compliment. I think we did make a movie that is a little different In the long run it will help me to be an oddball but in the short term it will be tough. My tastes in movies is more classic Hollywood and offbeat character driven stuff. I am a low tech kind of guy and I think it reflects pretty clearly.

My goal was to make something that seemed timeless. Something that reflected the feelings of people today without being tied down to things that were too topical and would appear dated very quickly.

I really appreciate you taking time to check the trailer out.

Here is the teaser poster. The new official poster will be online soon.

That's a neat poster. To me it represents the movie you displayed to us in the trailer. Which means it's doing its job. The other thing a poster needs to do is entice people to see the movie. This could do that, I think. It's a nice photo and you can tell each character is different just from their personality in the photo.
Thank you!

I took probably close to 1000 photos in a short period of time when we first started and had a lot to choose from. This one just stood out. I kept it simple for the teaser poster. I have a few more designs right now that I am finishing. The first official poster and then the DVD cover will be done soon.

Thank you for taking the time to check this out and offer feedback!
