New To This

I have been wanting to make movies my whole life. I am barely getting into this just as I am about to turn 20, and I have been doing a lot of research on what is needed to make a movie but would like some advice from anyone with previous experience. So my question is, What is needed to make an independent film? I know a good computer and camera are in order. But what kind of computer and what kind of camera and lenses and maybe also what kind of mics? I am looking into a DSLR. And also, what kind of software is recommended? Keep in mind I am a one man crew and on a budget. But any help is appreciated.
I am mostly a one man crew also, I have acquired a lot of gear by working and the such over the years, and I am 23. What is your budget? Because I can go into the gear I have and or want for recommendations, but I need to know what your looking at. All my gear for a one my crew totals around $7000+
I have been wanting to make movies my whole life. I am barely getting into this just as I am about to turn 20, and I have been doing a lot of research on what is needed to make a movie but would like some advice from anyone with previous experience. So my question is, What is needed to make an independent film? I know a good computer and camera are in order. But what kind of computer and what kind of camera and lenses and maybe also what kind of mics? I am looking into a DSLR. And also, what kind of software is recommended? Keep in mind I am a one man crew and on a budget. But any help is appreciated.

Hi, Welcome Gabe! Your thread seems to have gotten shuffled down so I wanted to bump it because it's so similar to Anne's, another newbie.

There are many threads regarding camera types, audio, software, etc, for the beginner, (ie;freeware, stock image/sound/music libraries from which to edit together works) so I'll just offer more esoteric opinion.

You'd want to start with a compelling idea, be it a formal topic dealing with pure style or a traditional story. You'd want to figure out a way that it needs to be told visually. You'll want to study past and present masters of the movies, perhaps emulate pieces of their style while starting out, eventually getting comfortable enough with the tools of filmmaking to express an idea in your own language(style). Once you know what you want to say with the medium, and how you want to say it, then you're an indie. :)