New to mics

I am new to all the technical aspects of filmmaking. I have a $400 sony camercorder, that is all I could afford to buy. I understand it doesn't have the 3 c's. But besides plugging a mic into the camcorder, something I can not do because my camcorder does not have a mic input, are there any other ways to record sound for my projects.
hi there,

and yes there is...but you will need good software editing skills to do this...If you want better sound, you will have to record sound onto another a digital recorder,as this is your best bet for keeping synce with your camcorder wich is most likely recording at 29.97NDF.
so you will have to match this speed in your sound recording and synce using a Slate(clapboard) you will have no timecode to synce by....

so you will have to find a friend or someone who has this and then you can get better sound...untill then you are stuck with the Onboard Mic in your camera...

i would not sugest getting a recorder...instead i would start saving up for a better camera that has the ability to plug an external mic into...for the same price that you spend on that camera you can get one that will do this....there are plenty of used camera out there in that range...that are HD and have Mic inputs...

hope this helps a little
Also be advised, you won't get the same level of audio quality from recording on-camera as you would from a seperate field recordeer. A good recorder is gonna do uncompressed 24bit/48hz or 96hz, as opposed to the camera audio which will more than likely be compressed, and not nearly as high quality.