New to Indie Talk

Hello Indie Talk!

I am new to the boards and looking to discuss film. I just recently moved from LA to Ohio. And being here has already stimulated my curiosity about the rest of the world.

My first feature film “Redemption”, was released by Artisan Home Entertainment on December 16th and is available at Blockbuster and Hollywood Video throughout the U.S. and Canada.

The funny thing is that since the film has been released I have felt more isolated as an artist. The years of having my head buried in “Redemption” have left me needing the conversation of other filmmakers; in many ways it is a rebirth. A lot of the notions I had before the process began have changed. I would love it if some of you here took the time to see the film, and gave me your honest thoughts about it.

I would be happy to help anyone I can, and I hope you all enjoy the path of filmmaking as much as you can.

Welcome aboard fellow filmmaker! ;) How did you strike the deal with Artisian? I've been contacted by them and was just wondering. Give me a PM or email. Have fun around here...
Welcome and congrats on the successful distribution of your film.

I'm currently in post on my first feature and I know what you mean about having you head in a project for years.

Look forward to hearing more from you.
Welcome, and I watched the trailer, it looks very good! I don't really rent movies a lot but I will see if its at Blockbuster. Congrats on getting one of these mofo's done :)
I'm barely making ends meet and next on my entertainment budget is to buy Punch Drunk Love, and Seabiscuit. But this looks like my kind of film, so quite possibly I will after renting it and liking it. And if I do that, you can bet some discussion will follow.

BTW not to be a pain, but I hate Amazon, is there another source I could buy it at?
I really Do understand

Things are tough all over, and I would never want anyone to buy my film if they didn't want it or couldn't afford it. I can barley afford to keep buying copies for people who expect me to give them to them, but that is a different story.

There are lots of places on the internet to buy "Redemption" including Yahoo, that gives you price comparisons to get it cheaper, there are copies on e-bay as well.

I like Amazon bvecuase they traack sales rank which you can imagine is one of they only ways I can tell how the film is doing.

Try this link:

All the Best,