New to filming/looking for ideas

Hey guys. I did communications arts and design in high school and media arts and design in college. So I have some knowledge about cinematography and photography. I started a small local film company with my friend called Nerd Rage Films. He did some posting on here (indie talk) and recommend it to me to check out.

Our website is its just starting out. We will have an update on the interface this weekend with new logo designs. Also on there you can find a link to our twitter, facebook, and youtube videos.

So what I do is filming, editing, and promotions. He does the screen writing, filming, and editing. Then I have my fiancee who does photography, social networking, and web design. We have a person on the side who does volunteer music mixing for us.

On our site we offer Matt Top Five, Jag's Movie Blogs, our videos, and photos.

I run the Jag's Movie Blog and the url is I am always open for ideas, maybe movies to check out, and write about. So please visit the site and share it to your friends. It be awesome to hear other peoples opinions on the same topics.

In the studio I am currently using a macbookpro, trying to get a iMac by the end of the month so we can edit more work, have external hdd, Canon Professional Camcorder, Canon DSLR XSI, using iMovie 11 for editing but going to get Final Cut Pro X when it comes out, use Photoshop cs5 for photo editing, have a green screen, and accessories.

We have a few projects in the works. But the reason why I am writing this blog is for ideas. Where do I start? How can I get the company out there and get traffic to the site? We have a good start and getting the views but I want to see more productivity. Is there anything we should be focus on or getting for the studio? I am dedicated to the company and would like to see it advance, not only for profit but for viewers to come back and enjoy our work.

So for whoever gave the time to read this. Thank you and I hope to hear from you.
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We have a few projects in the works. But the reason why I am writing this blog is for ideas. Where do I start? How can I get the company out there and get traffic to the site? We have a good start and getting the views but I want to see more productivity. Is there anything we should be focus on or getting for the studio?
I can't offer any ideas on how to get more traffic to your site.

However, I don't quite understand what it is, exactly, what
your company does. When your company is "out there" what
do you see your company as doing? When you say you want
"more productivity" I am not clear on what you mean. Right
now your blogspot seems to be you, expressing your opinion
on movies and TV shows. So is it a review site?

I can't offer any ideas on how to get more traffic to your site.

However, I don't quite understand what it is, exactly, what
your company does. When your company is "out there" what
do you see your company as doing? When you say you want
"more productivity" I am not clear on what you mean. Right
now your blogspot seems to be you, expressing your opinion
on movies and TV shows. So is it a review site?

Your right, I am sorry I didn't imply enough information. We shoot short clips as of now for practice. Then we will be moving forward to 20 min films and sending them to film festivals. Our website is its just starting out. We will have an update on the interface this weekend with new logo designs. Also on there you can find a link to our twitter, facebook, and youtube videos. I just want to get a fan base and just have people enjoy what we enjoy doing. We have been trying twitter and tumblr. We have a few people there that visit often to the site. And for my blog yeah thats me writing and having people interact one on one with a certain member in NRF. Like Matt has his Matt Top Five.

Thanks for check this out by the way.
I am just looking for any suggestions. Anything I can start looking into? Any good websites to get the name out there? And im looking forward to working with anyone on here and meeting new people.