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watch NEW Special Effects MUSIC VIDEO!!

I don't speak the language but from the feel I have no doubt that its a good song. I'm not really a fan of the super fast random cuts thrown in with random special effect, I might only feel that way because I don't understand the words. Nice job though, it wasn't bad.
For me the colors and greenscreen make it look a little 80's, the blue and yellow auras, the blue polkadots, the yellow and green backgrounds etc. etc.,

but I like it. Great job. Must have taken quite a while to make.
thanks for the comments guys,
and yeah, now that you mention it, i see what you mean by the 80's look haha all those colors
and yeah, it did take a huge amount of time to make
I agree with ROC, looking a little 80's

I do like the first scene, where he's walking with this pick axe and the camera is following him, I think it was shot pretty well.
Good job.
I thought that was well done :yes:

I don't agree that the colors make it look 80's, I didn't get that at all.

Good video if you ask me.

-- spinner :cool:
yea i don't think it look 80-ish..i actually liked the colors for a dark and bleak story the colors really added variety and attitude. Good job man, nicely done video
It was very creative I'll say that. I was listening to music while watching so I couldn't hear the actual song.

I was very distract the singer's 'hip' dancing...idk maybe it was just me. When not hearing the actual music his movements were quite comical.

Overall nice job, you obviously put in some good effort and brainstorming.