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watch New Rock Video

It's shot well but there's too much "shirtless dude playing it up for the camera" for me. Beginning reminded me of an old GnR vid? Or something.
Yea...nicely shot video. I like the choice of location. Nice effects with the shaky camera and also the CCTV shots. But as Indie Talk already mentioned there was too much shirtless dude. He just irritated me towards the end...but hey, that's just me.......
I don't listen to that kind of music anymore, but the song was decent. The video is EXCELLENT.

The only thing I wouldn't have done is put the "Pain / Disease" words up. That seemed out of context and a little tacky. But, not a biggie. GREAT job!
It's shot well but there's too much "shirtless dude playing it up for the camera" for me. Beginning reminded me of an old GnR vid? Or something.

It's funny you say that about GnR, since I learned that the singer fronted Addler's Appetite, a band with the former GnR drummer.
There's some really good shots in there. All in all it's slick and has the look of a major label vid for the most part.
looked good! although, the shaking camera was just a hair overused, but other than that, solid video. what was the budget for production on this?
Agreed with some of the comments above, some really great effects in that video and it looked fairly professional.

Shirtless guy was far to much.