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New Project

This is a new project of mine. It is in the very first stages. I was wondering if you all wouldn't mind giving what i have writen so far and give me your opinion and any suggestions.

the link

Please remember it is a first draft and a work in progress. It may not have all the spelling mistakes out of it yet. Please do not just put it is great or it sucks, Please explain why you like or hate it. I wait for your feed back.
It has a lot of potential. The major drawback for me is the opening sequence is mostly talking heads. It has some excellent comedy potential. For me, you need some kind of action in the first 3-5 pages other than talking at the poker table to break it up.

One way you might do this is to have one of them return to the table after a hand carrying some chips and dip.

Preliminary converstion
NORMAN: Did I miss anything?
BRENDA (O.S.): It's getting late, Norm!
CLIVE: Your deal.
Shakes his head, settles down and deals a hand.
Topical conversation, etc.

You need to really catch the attention in the first few pages. I liked it but I had to wait to page 6 to get some suggestions of what this show was about. A lot of the betting stuff on p.2 could be swapped out with the proposals on p. 6. This cuts to the chase. Then the real oomph of your comedy is the zinger on p. 8. We shouldn't have to wait that long. It sets up a really nice theme for the rest of the episode/movie - guys vs. gals. From that point, you do a good job and I'd give some more background to your characters to wrap up the first act.
At the end of the first act, both the guys and gals make their first forays which sets up the rest of the show/movie.

I think it has good potential. I would just suggest looking at the initial pacing. It also comes across a bit Munster-esque, so you need to find ways to set yours apart if you don't want that association. Overall, very promising.
Must say, I think this is an excellent concept! You could end up with a really good script!

As far as the script itself goes, the writing isn't bad, some things could do with fixing (breaking up some of the lines of action, fixing a few spelling mistakes, etc...), but this is certainly a good start.

I agree with Fantasy, the opening scene doesn't work. We're instantly given the characters sat at the table talking, it's not much of an introduction...

At first, I was slightly confused. I thought we were looking at people in costume, not the actual monsters. Just before Walters first line, you've written "The creature from the black lagoon turns around...", it should be "Walter turns around...". This just confuses things even more.

When you introduce a character, put the name in CAPITALS, then give us a brief description, help us to picture them. Sure, everybody can picture what Dracula looks like, describe him anyway, flesh him out for us. Perhaps something like... "Sat next to Dracula is WALTER, a scaley, green fish-man, with a wide mouth full of needle sharp teeth and gills where his ears should be. He looks exactly like The Creature from the Black Lagoon." This could help sell the idea that they are the actual monsters. Also, are they old now? Maybe Dracula is bald? Maybe the Wolf-Man's thick brown coat has started to go grey? Just a thought.

One more thought, get rid of Merlin. He doesn't fit with the others. The rest are Universal monsters, Merlin's a mythical wizard, they don't sit well together for me. Change him for The Invisible Man, or the Phantom of the Opera, or Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde... somebody else that has appeared in Univerals monster movies. Or just get rid of him full stop, the five other work perfectly together. Just my opinion...

Good luck, this is a great start!
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ok i am taking you suggestions into acount. mad-hatter if i change MERLIN to just some genaric wizard whould youthink that better or my other thought is change him to a ginie. So would that be better. Fantacy and mad-hatter if i broke up the opening sequence with them planning there come back with no luck would that be better. I kinda want to keep the Dracula and Ursulia scene for the laugh of it. please respond back.
Not sure what you mean by breaking the scene up... Breaking it up with what? It needs more action in there. Try and picture this as if you were watching it on a sceen, films don't tend to open with a scene of people just talking, especially a comedy film. Tarantino can get away with it, along with a select few others, because their opening scenes will build to something BIG. Your opening scene is just page after page of talking. It doesn't grab the attention.

Adding another scene in before this one might be a good idea. Or, show us some of the characters arriving to the game, don't start with them all there just talking.

As far as a wizard or a genie, I still don't think it fits. I was thinking of a witch, but it still doesn't work. All of the others are iconic antagonists from Universals monster movies. Stick with that theme. Again, just my opinion, but Merlin sticks out like a sore thumb. He's a protagonist, a good-guy. Why's he hanging around with movie monsters?
What i ment by breaking it up was with action in between the dialoge. I do have the witch she is Hazel, I understand the merlin thing it is just the one sight gag i got in there already and a few more jokes and gags i got comming up need a iconic spellcaster of some sort. I will try just changing the name and make him a generic evil wizard for now. Then maybe after the scrips first draft is fully compleat maybe he will work or maybe another suggestion will arise.
The Ursula piece is fun, one possibility would be to lead with that. Then slip in an abbreviated poker game. Then add the dungeon exchange. Then maybe a football game and cut back to the wives talking. But you want the action to be immediate and brisk.

I agree with MadHatter, the Merlin character seems out of place. I suspect that you need a magical character though for your plot. A Svengali/Rasputin/Mephistopheles character may fit in. If Merlin's not critical, you might merge him with Dracula.