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watch New micro-budget film accepted at Woods Hole Film Festival

Hi. We're filmmakers from Massachusetts with a film, THE GOD QUESTION, that we found out last week will premiere at the Woods Hole Film Festival in late July. We made this on a micro-budget, under $50K, and for nearly all of us, this was our first feature experience doing the job we did. This forum was one I prowled at length for tips and info when producing this. We have a website, with a trailer and clips as well as a "making of" video on how we made this for so little.


Please take a look.
Good luck with the film. Hope you make back your budget. It's a good genre, that's for sure. Hope enough interest is generated.

mlesemann, what was your experience there? Any tips on the best way to take advantage of it? Posters everywhere, postcards handed out everywhere, etc? Also, what was your feature? And did any leads to distribution come out of it? Thanks.
I had a terrific experience - filmmaker breakfasts every morning were a great way to meet people. They also had several lunches & other get togethers. Saw lots of good movies, and I'm still in touch with quite a few people who I met there.

They do have good contacts with local press, but those guys (understandably) are mostly interested in people with local connections. Judging by your web site (very nice, by the way!), you may be a good fit for that, so when they give you info on contacting their press person (which I'm sure they will do), make sure to follow up with a press release, photos, etc.

We screened on Friday night, so near the end of the festival. My director and I (writer/producer) went up the previous Sunday, and spent the entire week handing out postcards, hanging them in (very cooperative) local stores & restaurants, and talking with people. The local people are very vested in the festival. We also had large posters in the (open to the street) location where the festival was selling tickets. As a direct result, we nearly filled the large auditorium where we screened. Our feature (Surviving Family) was runner-up for best feature, which was very cool, and the citation that they gave us provided some great quotes for our web site & other p.r.

I did make a connection that eventually led to a distribution offer, but I ended up going with a different offer from a connection that I made on my own.
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