new member intro: Hello!

Hi all.
My name is Craig Zarkos, I'm a recording engineer/producer (drummer percussionist by trade) managing and working out of a fairly large facility in So. Cal. (oceanside CA.) I stumbled on this site while on a quest to meet filmakers in my area.

I'm interested in moving our room into audio post, and I'd like to start over the next year with an indie project on spec to get our collective feet wet. Obviously being a music facility first we'd be looking to score a film, (that's the easy part for us) but what I'd like to do particularly is ADR/dialog/fx/foley and then mix for 5.1. I'm very much interested in documentary or short form projects to get started. I don't expect to make any $$$ on this first outing, but I am looking for quality projects that are looking for quality audio.

Looking forward to meeting some of you and asking some questions.....

craig zarkos z-orama
proxy music
creative mobile