archived-videos new indie horror film trailer link MOTHER MADE ME

mysticalmike said:
... it should be close to a 2- hour horror blast of scares, babes, and rock music!

You got the babes part right.

I didn't like the trailer very much. It has the low budget feel of some 70s horror flicks, and that's not really up my alley. The acting was stiff, and some of the cinematography was amateurish.

I'm loving the look of this one! :P

What does it not have? It has skimpily-clad babes, pretty decent music, remote castle/school, knife-choppings, and several "tip of the hats" to various classic horror films that it seems influenced by.

If that was the "rough" trailer, I can't wait to see the real one!

Choppity-choppity-chop! :twisted:
Do you give too much of the film away in this 7 minute trailer though? I feel like I've seen the whole film now. Will the trailer get shorter?

My two favorite parts: 1. the "Sassy" line by the school principal, and 2. the "Give Blood" scene.
Good looking cast and good music. Hey and for a low budget Video movie it has good sound.

This trailer is way too long. Cut it by two thirds. Pick up the pace and use as much action and scantily clads babes as possible.

You did get the babes right. However, we didn't get to see much of them acting...makes you wonder. The guys were fairly unimpressive acting-wise. I like the Scarecrow.

I agree with the people who think it's way too long. It is. Chop it up and give us more of the jolts.

The sound mixing was uneven for my viewing and lose the narrator of the trailer at the end unless you get someone with a more seasoned VO voice to do it.

Good luck with it. It certainly has a chance at distribution because of the genre.

**when the guy is hitting at the camera with the branch and obviously not hitting anything...that needs an edit, lest it stay cheesy looking.

Martin Kelley