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New Indie Film Tech Tip: Zoom vs. Dolly

Hi People,

After a long break, here's a new Indie Film Tech Tip. (The tech tip was napping in the corner of the studio and took some prodding.) This tip talks about the difference between using a zoom vs. a dolly.


Hope you find this one helpful. I hope to get some new ones, shot in HD in the pipline soon.

saw the video on zoom vs. dolly. Nice. I also read up on some pieces you wrote about first time writer/directors and making movies like M. Night. I am glad someone had finally commented on the genius of M. Night's style, but I can't figure out why his budgets aren't lower. I don't know what the specific budget was on "signs" but I am assume it wasn't cheap. His style is so simple that every low budget filmmaker should copycat the concept to save money and focus on story.


Hey JWB,

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you liked the video clips and articles.

Regarding M. Night, his budgets go up mainly because of cast, plus he's been increasing his salary. I need to update the article to include his new stuff.

