New guy sayin' hi.

Hi there. My name's Inder and I'm a filmmaker based out of Vancouver, BC. Canada.

I don't know why I've never bothered to look into a forum like this before - I'm a huge fan of online networking so naturally I'm excited to be here.

I love filmmaking and I love film watching. I hope to get into some fun, interesting, and hopefully even sometimes heated discussions about film with all of you. I'm also hoping to use this place as a means to exercise my analytical skills. For people who want it, I'll gladly break down and analyse their films in order to help them understand how their audience might perceive their film. And likewise I hope that people will do the same for the work that I share.

I look forward to getting to know you all, as well as I look forward to writing posts where every sentence doesn't start with the word "I". :P