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watch New film Crave -- View trailer

Doing a feature film on DV is certainly ambitious of you, and I certainly congratulate you on getting it shot. With that being said, I didn't find this trailer to my liking. The sound was bad, the acting stiff, and the cinematography bland. The true measure of a trailer is if it makes you wnat to see the movie, and this trailer did not do that for me. I wish you good luck at festivals though.

The trailer made me think of "Less Than Zero", a mid-80's flick.

Like Poke, I noticed the sound drops.

I'm a lot more forgiving with acting, though. A strong story can carry a film with weak actors. Hard to say (as it is just a trailer) if this is the case here.
I like the title sequence too. However, the trailer belied an aesthetic that likely doesn't fit the subject matter. I take it that the film deals with drugs and addiction yet everything seems so sterile and clean. Not likely. The fight choreography could use some work as well.

Congratulations on finishing a feature film though. That is quite a feat in an of itself.

Good luck with it.

Martin Kelley