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New Film Budgeting software - free if you agree to roadtest

We are a feature film company (we have 6 international feature films to our credit), and recently we were very disappointed in the available software for international co-productions. There is nothing available to readily work with multiple currencies simultaneously, readily filter unbudgeted items, link in breakdown sheets etc etc.

So we got programmers to write us a piece of software that we think is not bad. It is written in Visual Basic for Excel so that it can be easily read cross platform and easily installed.
We are looking for other serious film makers who want a free copy on the condition that they road test it and give us feedback on it.
It is intended for major feature film production, but can easily be adapted for low budget indie films, documentaries etc.
All you need is the Excel 2000 or later.
Send us your details, your OS (Mac or PC), your Excel version and we'll happily email you a copy.

Look forward to hearing from interested people.


I'm sure there's a few members that will take it for a spin ... Welcome to IndieTalk!
The software can work in any single currency. So if you want to work just in US$ fine. You just set that as your base currency and away you go.
If you ever need to suddenly have the budget in another currency, you can do it in 3 clicks.
The ZIP file or STUFFIT file is around 1.2Mb, so be sure that there's enough room in your mailbox to receive it.
The file contains an PDF format manual.
I have received lots or requests asking whether there are any restrictions to the software. No, the software is completely unrestricted, no popup windows or any of that stuff.
We just ask that people don't sell it or abuse the free nature of it.
This post is two years old. Try the email in the post.