archived-videos New Feature Film Trailer - "heads or tails"

We just posted our first Trailer for "heads or tails". Some of you have seen and commented on the first 3 teasers. This one has dialogue and hints much more at the story. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Feel free to criticize away. We hope to have this film finished by the end of the year and are sending a rough cut to Sundance later this week.

Filmed entirely on Panasonic ag-dvx100 cameras with a tiny budget and edited on Final Cut Pro.

Trailer A Large 15MB
Trailer A Small 5.5MB

Teasers are also still on the website at
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checking the trailer now, well, downloading. I love the Pannasonic, i have one myself and am very interested in seeing how your footage turns out and all that. But the DL is taking a little while. So i'll get back once its DLed
CommanderGoat said:
When are we able to see the finished film?

We are working like mad to get our rough cut submitted to Sundance this year. While it's a long shot, it gave us a goal to finish it by, well, tomorrow. It's still pretty rough sound/music wise but it's getting really close story wise.

We hope to at least have a screening in December/January here around the DC/Baltimore area and NY.
looks like im gonna need some codecs :(

MP4 stand-alones are supported out-of-the box by QuickTime 6.0 and higher.

(As opposed to using MP4 as a codec, inside a wrapper)
I liked the teasers a lot better. I still think you have a visually interesting film here, but the sound in the trailer was not near the quality of the visuals.

Poke said:
I liked the teasers a lot better. I still think you have a visually interesting film here, but the sound in the trailer was not near the quality of the visuals.


sound and/or music in the trailer?

It's really not a very good trailer. There's a lot of stuff in there that reveals nothing and doesn't excite me to see the film. It probably needs some narration to give us a slight insight into the motivation of the character or at least a lead into what the whole conflict is.

I can't see any story from this trailer. You should re-edit because to me the film looks terrible judging from this trailer.
I've used this board to get advice and many of you asked for me to announce when we were done with the film and I'm happy to say that after over 18 months of production, we are finally premiering our film "heads or tails" on February 19th 2005 at the Weinberg Center in Frederick Maryland. 8pm

heads or tails
feature film premiere
Weinberg Center
February 19th 2005 8pm.

Weinberg Center is an historic theater that seats over 1000 people. Cast and Crew will be present and it will be the first time any of them have even seen the film.

"heads or tails" was shot on Panasonic AG-DVX 100 cameras and edited on Final Cut Pro.

I appreciate all the feedback on the teasers/trailers and pics from everyone on this board. If any of you are able to make it out, be sure to introduce yourself!

Thanks again for all the input!
Good luck with the screening. I am very interested to see how it turned out. I am planning on shooting my first feature come next winter and right now it looks like we will be shooting on the DVX.


The DVX is a great camera for the price. There is a fairly unique look you can push out of the camera between adjustments in camera and post tools available. Good luck on your project!

Poke said:
Good luck with the screening. I am very interested to see how it turned out. I am planning on shooting my first feature come next winter and right now it looks like we will be shooting on the DVX.

blindzero, So far I havnt seen the vid. The only negative thing I have to say is the server is trickling down to an annoying 27kb/s

it started off at 80. Who is your server. Maybe you should get one that can actually serve at 3megbits or more a second.

ill feedback on the trailer if i get a chance to finish downloading it.
Hi--I just watched the Trailer A. The video quality looks great and I can definitely see some interesting story elements here. My only suggestion is that the trailer is perhaps longer than it needs to be. The parts with dialogue were interesting, but then many of the scenes without dialogue didn't carry enough visual impact. If it were trimmed down a bit, I think it would be more effective. Good luck with your premiere!
Awesome news!

So, do you have any idea how us that don't live in Maryland can see the finished product? Are you hoping to pick up a distibutor? Or maybe you alreadly have one? I still would like to see this. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up on DVD some day.
I agree it's a bit long. We plan on doing a tighter trailer.
thanks for the suggestions!

John@Bophe said:
Hi--I just watched the Trailer A. The video quality looks great and I can definitely see some interesting story elements here. My only suggestion is that the trailer is perhaps longer than it needs to be. The parts with dialogue were interesting, but then many of the scenes without dialogue didn't carry enough visual impact. If it were trimmed down a bit, I think it would be more effective. Good luck with your premiere!
CommanderGoat said:
Awesome news!

So, do you have any idea how us that don't live in Maryland can see the finished product? Are you hoping to pick up a distibutor? Or maybe you alreadly have one? I still would like to see this. Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up on DVD some day.

we hope to pick up a distributor via the festivals that we are entering and such. no word yet probably because so far we've only sent rough cuts, but we're definately trying. i'll be posting here if i hear anything.