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watch new comedy - Room 4 - **Adult Content**

Hey everyone... this is my first post here. Be Nice! :-)

I finished shooting this Comedy flick a few months ago and i'm trying to get it out there for as many people to watch as possible! Films are for watching right?! :-)

Anyway... it does contain adult content, so if that's not your bag, then don't watch... but those that are more open-minded... please watch, comment, and if you like it... spread the word. :-)

Mest up.....fuck.....awsome ending

Also the blue night scene did not work very good. Next time let him go during the day....Lots of my friends go during the day....not me of course....
For D4N "Day for night", pull down the saturation a bit and you could either add a "Grad" to it to darken the top while leaving the lower portion lit... or an oval vignette to darken the edges (basically the same thing as the grad while focussing more on the subject.

"Power Windows" (see the "Panic Room" box set BTS for great examples of them).
Speaking to the DOP last night, and we did the D4N by white balancing against a yellow piece of card... which gave us the D4N effect in camera. I guess it wasn't as successful as we originally intended, but was worth a shot.
I guess the lesson learn't here is, to shoot it either at night amd light correctly... or shoot in the day time and change it all in Post. :-)
You can take what you've got, and use a color corrector in the editor to desaturate slightly and add an oval vignette that fits the action a bit (power window). You would have been adding blue anyway, so the footage you have should work just fine.
Just had some cracking feedback from the 'SoCo Regional Awards Show' regarding this film.

The President of the Club that viewed the film was 'Outraged' at the film! They complained that the film was "offensive" and "pornographic"! It also caused some "real embarrassement" for some of the viewing members!

LOL! My little flick is becoming infamous perchance?!
Oh, brother. People who are easily offended have no business judging art, IMHO.

I viewed your film when I was in the vicinity of a high-speed wireless connection (rare for me). Yes, it messes with one's sense of propriety to a certain extent, but come on. It's like a dirty joke. Nobody got hurt and you didn't insult anyone. I thought the punch line was pretty clever. :lol:

From a technical standpoint, I think it could have been shorter. The character banter was superfluous in this context and there wasn't enough story to justify the running time. Like I said, it's a dirty joke; just set it up and pay it off.
The script for the most part was realistic, with some occasional dips that really stood out, like when Mike (?) said to Hayley "I've got something more appropriate" (or something like that) when talking about the banana, and when the woman at the Brothel shouts "SHE WHISTLES WHILE SHE GIVES YOU A BLOWJOB". Overall though it was alright.

The audio was good for the most part, but from occasional dips I'm going to take a guess that perhaps you recorded with the in-built microphone on the camera or moved the microphone between shots? Background noise changing ever so slightly can give that away. Then again I might be wrong, and really the fix for it would be to record the background noise seperately and add it in later (even no-noise is background noise).

As the others have pointed out, the night shots are pretty bad compared to the shouts in-doors, and if the scene has to be at night then I'd suggest shooting it in the day and changing it in post-production.

Very nice twist at the end, made me laugh!

Sorry to hear about the feedback you got - really, as 2001 said, people who get that offended at a bit of nudity and an adult theme shouldn't be judging films.
Thanks for the Feedback guys, appreciate it.

The audio was recorded on a Zoom H4n, and i sync'd it up in post. This was the first time that i've ever done this with audio, so was a real experiment for me. Good to know that on the whole... i got it ok.

I guess everyone agrees on the D4N stuff... my lesson learnt here is to never white balance against a yellow piece of card. ;-)