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Never Feed The Troll

Lame sauce. Not the worst crime in the world, but this post is miscategorized. Every once a week, or so, I get in a short-film kick, and I watch all the new stuff in the screening room. But there's nothing here. This should be in "promotion".

Best of luck, though. Congrats on finishing your second feature, and I hope it all goes well.
Lame sauce. Not the worst crime in the world, but this post is miscategorized. Every once a week, or so, I get in a short-film kick, and I watch all the new stuff in the screening room. But there's nothing here. This should be in "promotion".

Best of luck, though. Congrats on finishing your second feature, and I hope it all goes well.

Thank you. Moving along.
My apologies. Didn't mean to post in wrong area. I hate spam or anything close and don't mean to sound like that.
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