NetFlix downloads

Is anyone familiar with NetFlix downloads to your TV set? When you download can you essentially RECORD the movie? Or if it doesn't allow you to, is there 3rd party software that allows you to "rip" content?

If NetFlix is $8 a month / all you can watch, then why pay full price for a DVD any more?
I do believe they are streaming "could" record by using screen capture, but that would be wrong.....................
According to their site you can pause and rewind. There must be a way. There's software that allows someone to essentially record from streaming audio sites. You can also look in your cache folder and rename a file to MP3 or whatever the file might be.
Why would you want to record it when it's unlimited streaming?

You could put a set top recorder in line between the player and tv.

Still, not near the same quality, no special features and Netflix doesn't have many new releases or current shows on on demand, still DVD only. I do use the streaming though, it's awesome.
I love streaming from Netflix. Though I use an X-Box to view and I don't think there is an option to record or rip any of the content but as someone mentioned already why would you want to do that if you can watch anytime already?

Their streaming library is pretty small compared to their DVD collection and more than likely won't allow for new releases to be available for streaming for at least a few months after its released
No BTS... and no ownership through NF streaming. I live for the BTS on DVDs and the ability to bring them with me anywhere on my computer as reference and resource.