Nervous about Withoutabox - HELP!

Hey guys! So I'm getting ready to submit my new film to international festivals and I cannot figure out how to use Withoutabox. It's kinda like the first time I used my debit card online...I know it's doable, but it feels weird haha. So questions - Do you upload a video? How do you know if the festival received it? How is it screened on their end? Will the quality be the same?
First - take a deep breath and relax :)

Video - For a feature, DO NOT try to upload; takes too long, doesn't show up all that well, and lots of other negatives.
For a short, you can if you want.
Otherwise mail a dvd, which is always a good way to go.

The festival will log in your submission when they get it - status will change to "in consideration." This can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks - I don't send a follow up email unless it's been about a month and/or their final deadline is approaching.

Uploaded videos are never used for screening. The description of the fest that you submit to should indicate their accepted screening formats.
I agree with mlesemann.

(Whom I met at the Woods Hole Film Festival. Hi Mara!)

During the last few years, I've attended panels at several film festivals that included directors and programmers for different festivals.

Out of the total of 15 festivals represented at these panels, every single one of them indicated that they prefer DVD's to online screeners. That is not a scientific survey, but it is good enough for me.

Almost all of them also said that submitting early gives you a little bit of an advantage. (It also saves you money!)

Make sure make a GOOD copy on DVD and test every one before you send it to them. Test it on your PC, but also test it on your home DVD player. (Remember, some festivals may end up using the DVD copy you sent as a screener as the exhibition copy.)

Don't have a fancy menu with deleted scenes, etc, on your DVD. Just a Title page with only a PLAY option. Don't have it so your DVD just starts playing your movie as soon as you put it in the player. (Almost every panel member expressed frustration over this.)

Also: Mark every single thing you send to them with your Withoutabox number you received for that festival.

Lastly, have a strategy for your submissions. Look at the festival websites, ask yourself, do the EVER program films like mine? Also understand that if you want to get into, say, 10 festivals, you are probably going to have to submit to 30-50 festivals.
(Whom I met at the Woods Hole Film Festival. Hi Mara!)

Hi Art! And I agree with everything you added to my reply - and I would especially emphasize the part about having a PLAY button on the just annoy judges if they don't have a moment to settle in before your movie starts to play.
Yep, what mlesemann said, I concur. Online screeners are crap. Unless a fest specifically asks for it, I'd opt for a DVD.

In my experience, the fests are very good at officially notifying you, via WAB, that they've received your entry. Now, as to notifying you of acceptance vs. rejection, many of them are a bunch of non-communicating assholes.