When time travel is used in horror, it is given more latitude for fantasy than in science fiction. Take for instance when it was used in the most popular soap opera show of all times, Dan Curtis' Dark Shadows. There, they used the travel going into their body of the time theory, unless they did not exist in that time to begin with in which case they appeared as they were from the time they came. But, if the 200 year old vampire, Barnabas Collins traveled back he would go into his body in that past. Victoria Winters who came from the 1960s appeared as she was in the 1960s with her clothes from the 1960s, which helped to get her accused of practicing witchcraft and burned at the stake. She vanished as the witch hunters set her on fire and returned to her own time in the future.
Why are we talking about horror films?

12 Monkeys is considered a science fiction drama.