Needed. Color graders and vfx artists voluntary

Hi all.

I know I am new here, but I recently had a friend ask me to help him. He needs vfx artists and a color grader to help him finish a project. He wanted to create a no budget film that was amazing, to prove that it could be done, to encourage other indie film makers. He got volunteers to act in his film including two guys from Lord of the he is NZ/Aussie based. But he has come unstuck on the post production side with a need for the above.

I told him I would ask around and see if I could find him some help.

It would be voluntary and non paid and he is needing someone that really knows their stuff.

So there it is...if you can help or are willing to look at it please make contact with me.

Thanks for your patience.
It helps if you specify what vfx are needed/wanted. Not all vfx are the same ;)
The colorgraders would like to know: length, camera/format used.
Showing something also helps :)

Good luck!
If no one else is up for it... I could do color in say... four to six months from now. (I'm pretty booked for time until around then)

If not, hope someone else can help you and your friend ^_^
Sky I have seen your work...It is pretty damn good. I'm sure my mate would be really happy to hear from you, and he has 12 months to complete this project I think so that could line up well.

Could you follow that link through and contact him directly? I'm sure he would be pretty damn happy to have you.