Need Sound equipment.

What are some good websites to visit that carry sound gear, so far I like I'm trying to get the right mic for a project I'm working on. I'm using a typical home user camcorder, gonna push it to its limit being its my first project dealing with film. I don't know the specs on the cam but until I do, what would be some good suggestions on mics for these cameras? or would it be best to buy a sound recorder to add a mic too and sync up the sound when editing the footage?. This is a family event (wedding) in which I was given the roll to film. Thanks guys cant wait to hear the suggests and Ideas.
You might a lot of questions like "What/where are you filming", "What type of Camera are you using" ect. The Answer can vary, and what your budget is.

I use a Canon 900 for my shooting, and I got a Shure Microphone for 60 dollars that works wonderfully-but it works with the type of stuff I do. I don't shoot weddings though (though no has asked either....;))

A lot of advice to be had here, though, so you've come to the right place :)
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BHPhoto is great resource for film/video related gear. I would recommend the Rode VideoMic Pro for your purposes.

BTW, I use Sweetwater also, but my focus is audio post so I am more studio oriented. Sweetwater is great for music and audio post equipment (I still do a fair amount of work with musicians), but B&H is more focused on and has a much larger selection of video/film related gear, especially production sound. When you get into really high end production sound gear a company like Trew Audio is another solid vendor.
BHPhoto is great resource for film/video related gear. I would recommend the Rode VideoMic Pro for your purposes.

BTW, I use Sweetwater also, but my focus is audio post so I am more studio oriented. Sweetwater is great for music and audio post equipment (I still do a fair amount of work with musicians), but B&H is more focused on and has a much larger selection of video/film related gear, especially production sound. When you get into really high end production sound gear a company like Trew Audio is another solid vendor.

Yeah i like the website suggestion thanks, as far as audio goes I chose sweetwater for music due to the surrounding needs for music in film. And they didnt have many selections for film gear but going to bhphotovideo has brought salvation. and you mention high end production sound gear which is indeed my aim. Im reading this book to get a better understanding with what I will be working with creatively and hardware wise.
Mostly because I want produce my own themes for scoring my films. but again thanks for the resources. KEEP EM COMING!!.