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need monologue help

I have a film in motion that requires a somewhat vague, metaphorical monologue (given by the main character) that emphasizes the theme of the overall message of the film.

The film itself will be an explicit example that exposes the fact that so many of us have vices, beliefs and behaviors that we diligently keep hidden to the public eye, only exhibiting these traits in the comfort and total privacy of our own homes or when otherwise totally alone. It is an attempt at asking why we hide parts of ourselves from other people, specifically when this process of concealing ourselves can drive us insane. The double-life that many of us force ourselves to lead seems to cause deluded structures of behavior - behavior based on two completely different sets of ethical, social and professional values (one set of values related to public behavior and the other set related to private behavior). The polarized nature of a double-life causes feelings of debilitating self-contradiction and yet we continue to live this way simply because of the fear of rejection or social persecution.

TL;DR - I need a monologue that serves as a metaphor for the deluded state of those who lead a double-life. I would prefer the monologue is about something seemingly innocuous, like a recital of some article the character read earlier that day, one that relates to the aforementioned theme. I was thinking of using insect or animal behaviors as a medium to describe the parallels between species' behaviors.
1. Will the monologue break the third wall?

2. Mantodea. Sexual cannibalism. The males, it is said, know the risks and yet go to their deaths because of the strength of the sexual instinct which overrides the instinct to avoid death. For humans, in private, instinct takes the lead and overrides (although it does not obliterate) morality. In public, enculturation and socialization take the lead. The private sphere can be said to be more primitive and prior-to the public sphere. Is schizophrenic illness a symptom of the current dominance of the public sphere, it's intrusion via social media and other modern means to make us feel part of the public sphere, even in private? The result may be less "cannibalism" among individuals, but also may mean a less healthy species. That would be, by the way, a very bleak view of human nature. Not sure what the tone of your story is.

3. Filming a mating Preying Mantis would be cool.

M. C. Escher:




P.S., I assume you're looking for suggestions, not for someone to write the monologue for you.
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