need help with mics

Hey sorry if this is posted in the wrong place i just couldnt work out where it would be suited most. I have been reading up on mics and how to use them etc but i cant find anywhere that sells them or that reviews mics. I was wondering if anyone had any information or recomendations. I dont have loads of money but i understand the importance of high quality audio so if its worth saving a little more i will do that. I am this makes sense and doesnt seem nonsense rambling.

Thanks for all the help guys on various threads i have done.
This is just my opinion. B&H GREAT STORE, helpful salesmen. When I went there to buy my mic set-up I was set to buy the industry standard (there's actually two made by the same company. One is over a grand, but it's sister is half the price and for digital or micro-budget works just as well)

When I spoke to the salesman he said try out this Rode NTG-2 mic. He brought me into their sound room and sampled both. The NTG-2 was far superior. It made everything sound natural highs and lows. Where the other brand captured more of the highs and cut off the lows. It's a great deal at $269.

Of course this is only my opinion.

One other thing, very important. Spend the few dollars extra for the lightest boom you can get. It is such a tough job to hold that for minutes at a time. I bought the lightest, and it was still back breaking.