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Need help with dialog :(

Im trying to finish my 30 second short, and need to record 4-5 lines from a male character..
Does anybody have 10 mins to give me a hand on it? :(

I cant really do it, because i have heavy russian accent, and it just doesn't go wth video.. It might get the ladies, but I doubt it will grab the audence haha

Anyways, i could email you the lines, and video file, so you can match it up..

Thanks a lot guys!
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When do you need it?

EDIT: Let me add that I could probably do it, but I do not have high quality recording equipment. It would just be a PC mic into a wav recorder program. I know someone who does have a studio recording setup, but it would take me some time to arrange to get out there.
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Within a couple of days. its four of one-liners, and 2 noises of being shot. nothing too crazy.

I ll just post it here:


The guy is a complete douchebag, and the stuck up actor. He thinks he is the shit. Director gets enough of his garbage, and shoots him.

00:00 - 00:03
1. Hold on! I got a message!
(irritated that director called "action" before the actor checked his message)

00:05 - 00:09
2. (Laughing at the text message) Bro! Check out this message. This bitch is all fat n shit. (pause)Gross..

00:10 - 00:12
3. (Demanding) Where I my coffeee? (pause) Thank you (with sarcasm).

00:12 - 00:15
4. (Demanding) I need a cigarette. Now!

5. (Cough, wheeze, or some sort of grunt during the slap)

6. No! No! Please! (shoting)

and the video is

My email is dlevanchuk@gmail.com
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