Need help importing HDV footage!

I've had this problem for awhile now and can't seem to figure out what I am doing wrong. I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 10 to edit and shoot with a Canon HV20 on HDV tape. I have all of the settings on the camera correct. However, I plug my firewire cable into my camera then into the computer, the computer is able to detect my device but when I try to import the footage nothing happens.

Should I get a video capture card? I've only heard about this recently so I'm not too knowledgable about it.

Any help will be much appreciated!

Oh I forgot to mention that I am using the FREE TRIAL version of Vegas Movie Studio, which after doing some research, might be the problem because it does not work with HD footage for some reason.

Let me know if this is the reason.

I don't know about the import problem other than I experienced that myself...with a Canon camera..but don't know if it was the camera.

I work with hd and use the Sony vegas problem.