Need guidance on Indie Film Distribution

Hello All,

I am currently writing my first indie feature. I have my funders asking me "How are we going to get the money back?". I have answers for that. My question is, "How sure should I be about getting my movie sold?" and "How do I go about doing that?"

Need your advice on this people. I wanna know about selling the movie @ film festivals' film markets and to distribution companies.

Doubts like,
1. what kinds film are they looking at?
2. do indian indie films with fresh cast and crew stand a chance?
3. what kinda figure am I looking at for spending for promotions?
4. what are the ways of promoting?
(lotsa questions I know!)

Can u guys answer these? Pls?
A filmmaker trying to sell his/her movie at a film market will probably experience some difficulty. They are expensive to attend and it's probably not the best route to go. Film festivals = meh (unless they are top tier festivals).

Distro companies are businesses so they tend to go with films with a known cast & director. They need to know it has a chance at making them money.

1.) Genre films (in my opinion) such as sci-fi are easier sells. B list actors are at minimum a must!

2.) You will need recognizable faces

3.) A LOT. Marketing your film is so important.

4.) Good question. Marketing avenues depend on your budget. If you have a ton of money then TV, Radio, and Web ads are the best choices. Word of mouth is extremely important as well.

These are just my opinions and may not be the right answers.
Need your advice on this people. I wanna know about selling the movie @ film festivals' film markets and to distribution companies.
Film festivals, film markets and distributors each have different needs.
So you need three, different answers to each question.

1. what kinds film are they looking at?
Festivals: Films that fit their specific programing needs. This will be
different for each festival. For example; Sundance is looking at films
with names and they really love when an actor directs their first film.
Some festivals look for horror, some for comedy. So you will need to
research festivals.
Film Markets: Each territory has their specific needs so "film markets"
are looking for a variety of different films.
Distributors: Are looking for movies they believe have wide audience
appeal so they can make their money back.
2. do indian indie films with fresh cast and crew stand a chance?
Festivals: Yes.
Film Markets: Yes.
Distributors: In areas that show Indian films, yes.
3. what kinda figure am I looking at for spending for promotions?
Festivals: Entry fees are $35 to $85 for each festival.
Film Markets: Several thousand dollars - the more the better. Over $30,000
Distributors: they handle all promotions.