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Need Feedback on this screen capture

Hey guys, I am working on a little sorta-action short. I am editing the video and created a preset for the look I want, but I need feedback on how it looks on your guys screen. Does the character appear to dark, bright, just right? I know everyone's screen will display it different, but as long as mine is not showing it brighter than it is thats what I need to know. Good ole LED monitors... Thanks everyone!

Brightness is fine, just a helluva lot of black to the left.

Did you squish the blacks down or is this the raw shot? If you have the BG detail and can bring some back I think it'll help a lot.
Brightness is fine, just a helluva lot of black to the left.

Did you squish the blacks down or is this the raw shot? If you have the BG detail and can bring some back I think it'll help a lot.

There's some crushed black, but I can see a lot of bluey-green wall to the left of him (on an IPS panel - looks mostly black on my iPhone, though).
No this is not the raw, this is with the correction. On my screen there is a good deal of black but you can see the blueish green on the wall in the back behind him.