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Need assistance please...

Im soon going into production of my next short. It involves a lonely boy who falls in love with a girl (cliche i know). But im going at it in a different approach. I want to have a floating light bulb above the boys head as he goes through his day... the light bulb will be in the shape of a heart. Every time the boy is around his lover the light bulb lights up. I have an idea on how to pull this off, but i'd rather get some advice before i took a shot at it. Thanks in advance everybody :idea:
Build a rig with just a little wire (stiff like coathangar) supporting the bulb from
His head or shoulders, then wire removal in post maybe?

Shine a light on them when it's supposed to be on, and do either a realistic (if you can) or cartoony CG lightbulb.

Hang it off a boom pole and follow him, wire removal again.

Some ideas off the top of my head. What's yours?
Seems like a fairly straight forward compositing shot... Most editing software should be able to handle it as long as you can animate the bulb images position.
How do you want it "connected to him"? Directly above his head so it follows to the side if he tips his head... or in line with the torso?

I would make sure you have some reference points on him that you can track in post (and remove as well in post) to get the motion as firmly linked to his motion as possible.

A few little green dots on his face can be comp'd out later and would link the light bulb to the axis of his head, whereas dots on the body/shoulders would link to his torso and can also be comp'd out later.
If you want the heart-light to actually realistically shines a light on him when it lights up, you'll have to create a rig with a light hovering above his head. If it's all created in post, the reflection of the light off his hair would be impossible to create realistically on an indy budget. If I were you, I'd attempt to somehow rig a flashlight bulb colored red above his head, and then remove the wire and cover the bulb with a heart in post. If you're not too concerned about a realistic look, then reference points would be fine.