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Near Humanity - Motion Comics - Crowdfunding Official launch + featurette and more

Near Humanity - Motion Comics and Zombies + featurette and more

Hi to all on the forum,

I come back (Xavier Bottet / Near Humanity) with great news and excitement. Here is the press release for our project.

Joy, pride and excitement. This is what we feel today with the official launch of the crowdfunding campaign for our motion comic "Near Humanity" on the international platform Indiegogo.

Joy because we can now talk about real departure for this project that we've been developing for several months. Also, we are pleased to finally present "Near Humanity" to the public.

Pride for the work achieved so far by this very small team, indie in its roots, independently and braving the distances of the Atlantic Ocean that separates us.

Excitement to receive feedback from fans of comics and horror as "Near Humanity" has been created for them.

Near Humanity is a horror motion comic with historical events as background.
Each season is set in a specific historical time period. The first season is set during World War II in Poland; season two is set in 1948 in Ukraine; season three is set in the state of Nevada during the Cold War (1955). Each season is linked by an overarching investigation spanning through these different time periods taking place in modern day New-York.
The common thread is the year 2000, the story will be told through multiple flashback, giving us step by step the truth.

If you want to help or share our campaign, you will find all the information on the Indiegogo page:
NEAR HUMANITY The Motion Comic

For more information to follow the project's progress:
Website:: www.nearhumanity.com
Like our page on Facebook:www.facebook.com/pages/Near-Humanity-MotionComic/141584926010111
Youtube videos:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnqRKMqRZHc

If you want to know anything more, please don't hesitate to contact us:

We will be happy to answer to your questions.

Thanks for your support and don't hesitate to share with your contacts, to turn it into a big collective sucess.

Please note that we have added a new video with Zombies... Yeees. Near Humanity has its pack loaded with Zombies:


Xavier Bottet
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Hello to everyone on the forum,

Is there any comments so far? If you're interested, like our project, don't wait contribute. It will help pushing the project further.

We've clarified some aspect, it could be understood the project is only for iPad and Tablets, it's not true. In fact the project is multi platforms, regarding which perks you select from your contribution you can have access also to HD videos files for episodes we could produce linked to the budget raised.

The promotion is going on also, several interviews will be posted soon as news in the medias. Near Humanity presences is getting bigger and bigger each day.

Thanks for your reading,
Contribute to make a better day... oups, naaahh, to support the project.
Updates about Near Humanity project

Hi to all on the forum,

It's made a long time since I didn't post any news. We were really busy about various projects, now it's the time to give you some updates :)

1 - The crowdfunding was not a big success, well... I would say a fail. Bt you always learn and we still are progressing. We earn also some contacts, experience with this process.

2 - The project isn't dead. On my side I have been busy to work on video for a video game studio. Emmanuel my partner in Near Humanity has released his second comics. But Near Humanity is moving on as we have finished the pilot video content. We start the first episode production. First good news.

3 - The project is evolving and moving a little away from just a video series. It will be more a rich medias or cross medias experience. I'm completing the pilot prototype and it's really exciting what Near Humanity is becoming.

4 - We raised some funds which will help the production of the first chapters. We changed and scope down the project. But in the end, how we make Near Humanity evolve will give more length and more content.

Stay tuned for more updates.

By the way, you can also register in my new website, I've launched few days ago, to get some updates as they come or discover other creatives projects i'm involved in.


You'll be able to look at he last video I did in After Effects and with various plugins. If anyone need a titlesequence and you have some budget, contact me. I'm affordable ;+)
