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watch (Naughty) Xplainers Short Video

Hiya Gary. Cool videos. Don't worry too much about the art; I guess that will come with time and practice. As long as the story keeps the audience's attention, you're on your way to making good videos.

Admittedly I couldn't always follow exactly what was going on. Everyone has different reading speeds, so double check that you leave enough time between speech for the audience to read it (although this will be less of an issue in the future when you have some kind of narration over the top). Out of interest, how else are you planning to develop these videos?

They may benefit from the odd sound effect or background music just to keep an audience entertained. You could even experiment with canned laughter - get some friends/family to sit down and watch it to see if they have a more engaged reaction with it or without it.

Ps I love Gandalf's air quotes! Made my day. 😆
Hiya Gary. Cool videos. Don't worry too much about the art; I guess that will come with time and practice. As long as the story keeps the audience's attention, you're on your way to making good videos.

Admittedly I couldn't always follow exactly what was going on. Everyone has different reading speeds, so double check that you leave enough time between speech for the audience to read it (although this will be less of an issue in the future when you have some kind of narration over the top). Out of interest, how else are you planning to develop these videos?

They may benefit from the odd sound effect or background music just to keep an audience entertained. You could even experiment with canned laughter - get some friends/family to sit down and watch it to see if they have a more engaged reaction with it or without it.

Ps I love Gandalf's air quotes! Made my day. 😆
Oh! Thanks for watching, The MusicBox! Yes, the speed is off as I was initially trying to put the whole thing in under 4 min. So some frames are really really short. Then with these frames I began having problems with the software (OpenToonz). So everything is Raster, no Color, no Voice, and I've been getting better at ToonBoom Harmony and would completely redo with Vector, Color and Voice.

I plan on making more short Videos of the Xplainers as they leave their home and have to contend with the real world. To be 'ugly' and have been lied to. They get jobs and succeed/fail. Try to make it a comedy/spoof and whether they reunite with dad and their various moms.

Anyway, thanks for the very helpful comments!