MySpace Indie Talkers

Myspace got boring. I guess the fad is over. I see people dropping the service every day because it's an addiction. You have to check it everyday to add friends and check mail and requests... the more you click, the more money they make off advertisers.

I've dropped it. I was spending way too much time on Myspace and not enough time working on my next film.
Myspace got boring. I guess the fad is over. I see people dropping the service every day because it's an addiction. You have to check it everyday to add friends and check mail and requests... the more you click, the more money they make off advertisers.

I've dropped it. I was spending way too much time on Myspace and not enough time working on my next film.

...I am still there, but I don't use the forums at all. Alot of kids wanting to know what camera to use. Nothing wrong with kids asking questions, but every day, what camera should I use, my camera isn't a good one. Use what you have and learn first, then get the new one....

...and I agree, it's addicting, but I think my time there is about to be reduced dramatically...

-- spinner :cool: