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My Zombie series

Hey guys

I made a post about a zombie short a few weeks ago. Ive changed this into a 3 part series and i have basically finished the script for the first part.

Im having trouble thinking of a way to tell the audience why or how the infection spread. Do you think it needs to be explained?

If so does anybody have any cool suggestions for how it happened or even how it can end?


I don't think the audience needs an explaination, leave it ambiguous, maybe just drop a few hints, so we can make it up ourselves.

As far as coming up with an idea, that's you job. Start by deciding what type of zombie are they? Are they people infected with a virus? Where did the virus come from? Who was the first peson infected? How? Answer all these questions, and you'll soon come up with an explaination. Even if you don't show us what it is, it'll help you better understand your own story.
No one really cares why there are Zombies... just the "rules" your zombies play by...
- Bites, or is it scapes touch or if you die your a zombie
- how fast do they move
- what kills them (headshot only?)
In my personal opinion, I've never seen a film that tried to explain the zombie outbreak that did it well. Those films that gloss over it or just leave it a mystery are almost always better. I think that works for two reasons. 1) Good zombie movies aren't about zombies. By spending time talking about the outbreak, you're putting the focus on the zombies, rather than the characters in the story. It's like taking Saving Private Ryan and spending time on how WWII started. 2) Viewers have good imaginations. If they want to think about how the zombie infection started, they will. 9 times out of 10 they'll come up with something satisfying to themselves, and likely very different than what you'd come up with.

It's good that you're thinking about the origin, and the ruleset. But those are things that don't need to be spelled out in you film. The audience doesn't need to see the math, but the math DOES need to be there if you want your series to be deeper than just people shooting corpses.

After all that, it's just my opinion, and you could absolutely prove me wrong and do a great series about the outbreak itself!