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watch My "Yes We Can" Music Video Submission

Hello Everyone!
I've been reading these forums pretty faithfully for a couple years now and have started up an account here and on Youtube to showcase some of my work and future projects for critique. This video is something that my friends and I made a year ago to submit to Pete Sheppibone's "Yes We Can" Music Video Contest. The contest was to make a music video to his techno song and the winner get's their video published as the "official" music video. Our entry placed second and while I know it has a few flaws due to time constraints, I was hoping for some feedback on it! Thanks a ton!

LB Productions

Seriously? Obama propaganda as a techno rave song?

Empty, vapid, rhetoric and the ability to do the exact opposite of what one professes to want still sells...
Very smart....never explained what it is...only that "yes we can". There's no way one can lose. Tee-Hee. But on a serious note, Meh.
Seriously? Obama propaganda as a techno rave song?

Empty, vapid, rhetoric and the ability to do the exact opposite of what one professes to want still sells...

Has anyone ever told you that you're really good at offering encouragement to an artist? :no:

LBPtv1, I like what you're going for, but it is lacking excitement. I think any future efforts at music video, especially something as fast-paced as techno, might benefit from a great deal more movement, and faster cuts.

On a sidenote, I didn't know people in Michigan were doing jumpstyle? Haha! I've given serious thought to making a music video in which we see a "normal" story-based narrative, except every single person is doing jumpstyle, from beginning to end.

I think you've got a lot of potential to make some awesome videos. Keep practicing, stick with what works, and re-tool what doesn't work. Best of luck!
Seriously? Obama propaganda as a techno rave song?

Empty, vapid, rhetoric and the ability to do the exact opposite of what one professes to want still sells...

Holy crap! A conservative in California! Don't you know that you're an endangered species over there?
Thanks for the wonderful and inspiring comments you guys;) I completely understand your opinion that it lacks a level of excitement. This video was a huge test for me since we used green screen for the first time. While the initial idea of the video wasn't mine, I felt that it was a great collaborative effort and while the video lacks a certain quality I would have liked it to have, some aspects I would have liked to add to zest it up had to be given up due to working with a partner on this one.