archived-videos My Website Introduction

Check out my intro on my homepage. Tell me what you think. Should I keep it there? Should I take it down after a few weeks? Is it cool? Is it annoying? Is it pointless? Does it not work for any of you?

BTW, I know that the last shot is not so good. I'm just too lazy to reshoot it, because I ran out of tape, I need a camera man, I already edited it, and I didn't think it was a big enough deal...
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I use firefox and it works in my computer. After I play it once, it won't play again, but it does go through the first time. Hmmmm....well, seriously thankyou much for the heads up on that.
I like the idea, but it's too long and the sound is bad. Plus there's no info that isn't pretty self explanatory. Maybe if you told a brief history of the company, or something short about current projects or something.

But it looks good.

The honest story about the video is: I was taping a short film, but the film never materialized, so I added my little commentary to the first two shots I had to make this...hehe...sort of an unfinished project that I made useful.

Thanks, Poke. I agree. That porch is much too echoey to record good sound on.
Generally, it's not such a good idea to have auto-load video on the homepage. Unless the file is teeny, it can freeze a dialup browser for a while.

Looks good overall... I was expecting a bit more from it, though. Lots to watch just to find out that the navigation buttons are at the top. ;)
LOGAN L Productions said:
Check out my intro on my homepage. Tell me what you think. Should I keep it there? Should I take it down after a few weeks? Is it cool? Is it annoying? Is it pointless? Does it not work for any of you?

BTW, I know that the last shot is not so good. I'm just too lazy to reshoot it, because I ran out of tape, I need a camera man, I already edited it, and I didn't think it was a big enough deal...

I liked it. Very unique.

Hey Logan,
I think if you embed video into your site like that (without giving users a choice) you should make it Quicktime or another cross platform format (ie. mpg).
I think it's purdy cool. The music and cigar lighting produces the chill dopamine in my head which makes me want to relax and explore the htmls of

But the porch-talking audio could be better.