This is the first super 8 I've shot, it was about a
month ago and it took forever to process/telecine.
I used Kodak Ektachrome 64t with a Bolex 155
Macrozoom and it was processed and telecined at
Nanolab. It sorta has no story whatsoever, and
the music pretty much makes it a film clip for Beirut.
I didn't get the lighting and exposure right on a lot
of shots and had to can quite a few, but I'm fairly
happy with it.
Crits welcomed,
month ago and it took forever to process/telecine.
I used Kodak Ektachrome 64t with a Bolex 155
Macrozoom and it was processed and telecined at
Nanolab. It sorta has no story whatsoever, and
the music pretty much makes it a film clip for Beirut.
I didn't get the lighting and exposure right on a lot
of shots and had to can quite a few, but I'm fairly
happy with it.
Crits welcomed,