Hi all! 
It pleases me to introduce my first short, "The Soup Party". You can read the full story in the production notes as well as other info at http://www.thesoupparty.com . The short of it is, I had been dying to get out and make some cinema, but I was always too busy and other obstacles in the way. But one day I just said to hell with it, took my ancient Mini-DV camcorder, did 2 1/2 weeks of non-stop planning, casting rehearsing, etc. , shot over 3 days, edited over 48 hours and turned in the 10minute version to our school film festival in the nick of time. TSP has since been re-edited to 14m35s and letterboxed.
This was written as a simple story making use of what I had available to me. Something I knew I could pull off with without having to resort to stunts, or much special fx. It did however spawn into a cast of 7, and some rather great acting talent needed for the two main roles.
So, presenting the first glimpse exclusively to IT, here's the trailer for TSP (1m 16s):
(Right click and choose "Save As")
High Bandwidth (WMV) 4.9M
Lo Bandwidth (WMV) 1.9M

It pleases me to introduce my first short, "The Soup Party". You can read the full story in the production notes as well as other info at http://www.thesoupparty.com . The short of it is, I had been dying to get out and make some cinema, but I was always too busy and other obstacles in the way. But one day I just said to hell with it, took my ancient Mini-DV camcorder, did 2 1/2 weeks of non-stop planning, casting rehearsing, etc. , shot over 3 days, edited over 48 hours and turned in the 10minute version to our school film festival in the nick of time. TSP has since been re-edited to 14m35s and letterboxed.

This was written as a simple story making use of what I had available to me. Something I knew I could pull off with without having to resort to stunts, or much special fx. It did however spawn into a cast of 7, and some rather great acting talent needed for the two main roles.

So, presenting the first glimpse exclusively to IT, here's the trailer for TSP (1m 16s):
(Right click and choose "Save As")
High Bandwidth (WMV) 4.9M
Lo Bandwidth (WMV) 1.9M
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