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watch My second short - feedback appreciated!

Ok so here is the second short I have created, Impulse II. It's part of a series, hopefully 6 long, that I will be doing over the summer.


Couple of things to note already:
-The still towards the end, I know the dimensions are ruined on that. Couldn't find a fix :(.
-The quality isn't great. I'm still getting used to editing, so not only is the editing not great, but the exporting isn't either. (Anyone good with Premiere Pro, I would love to here from you :D )
-The camera was giving me issues at first, hence the out of focus shots in the first 1:30-2:00 or so portion of the film. Fixed it thankfully so the rest of the film was ok (and no, I didn't make the camera out of focus deliberately. Either I made a mistake and then accidentally fixed it, or the camera was having issues).

So, like I said, feedback is greatly appreciated. I know its nothing special, and is fairly short as its more of a short to help with the overall narrative. Hopefully I can continue to improve in the future, so like I said I know its not perfect, but constructive criticism would be great.

Thank you for your time.
Camera movement is a bit shaky, and the audio isn't good. Half of the time I didn't know what they were saying. It is also very over exposed. The story is confusing, and unclear. Action sequences seem staged, and bland.

Next time, use a tripod and a microphone. Raise and sweeten the audio levels in post. Check your camera to make sure it is not over or under-exposed. For the action sequences, more intense music, quicker editing, and FX will help. In the opening, music would help. Next time, I recommend doing some color correction, it will help set mood.

The acting, story, dialogue, and location is pretty good.
Keep at it man. With each film you will improve. I'm no great filmmaker myself but I can see how much I've improved when I look back at the first films I made back in 2003.

My constructive criticism would be invest in a mic. If your camera has the option then perhaps a shotgun mic attached to the camera is your best bet as it would cut down the need for crew (so you dont need a sound guy holding a boom mic) for your little short films.

Also the action scenes need a bit of work. Try to get a bit more coverage to get as many angles as you can while keeping on schedule. It might be a good idea to watch a ton of action movies to get ideas of how they shoot their fight scenes.

The acting was not bad and you got some good shots in there.
Thank you for your feedback. A microphone is admittedly top of my 'to buy' list. I'll certainly work on different angles for action sequences, as I know that's definitely one of my weakest points.