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watch My new showreel - 2012

I made a new showreel. It's always hard to choose the shots you want to show and keeping it short at the same time. This way it's more about visuals and less about 'real world editing'.
Anyway, I wanted to share my new showreel.
I'm curious what you think :)

Looks good man! If I'd critique one thing it would only be leave the "audio" part out of "audio/visual show reel" in the titles because like most show reels we don't hear much. That's not a bad thing, just the nature of a reel haha.
The shots looked nice. The only thing I'd change is to put what you are right at the beginning. ie: John Smith, DP or Editor or VFX Artist. Reels are usually a made to help you get work, so it's important that the person watching knows what kind of work you're showcasing. Especially since a lot of people aren't going to watch all the way to the end.
Thanks for the feedback :)

(Now I'm gonna sound really stubborn ;) )

Audio is just part of the name in the logo :P
(And if I skip the audio in the name: the Dutch audience will think I'm a graphic designer instead of filmmaker ;) )


good point and sound advice.
I'm running a videoproduction company, so I'm creating the whole video package for my clients.
Some shots I didn't shoot, but direct.
Others I did shoot and direct.
1 Shot I shot, but I didn't direct it.
And I did all the editing, grading and VFX.

Maybe I'll make a different reel for editing alone to poke the larger productionhouses :P
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Gotcha. I'd still put the info up front though, even if it's just some text overlayed in a bottom corner of the screen for 10 seconds or so (like a music video.)
Something funny happened last week:
I got a call asking whether I used stockfootage in my showreel. lol
"Ofcourse not. That would be silly."
He asked, because he really liked it and wanted to know whether I can really create such things.

Really a great thing to hear such a question and comment. :)
yeah i was wondering that a few times too... great quality footage....
had to remind myself it was your showreel, so of course you filmed it all yourself...
It looks like your reel is looking for corporate jobs? If so, may I suggest taking out the light saber shot. It doesn't suit the rest of the footage and it could cost you a paying corporate client.

Other than that, it looks super sharp. Very well done.