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My guerilla erotic-drama feature - 9 months, and 30 shoot days later

I've been writing the script and shooting an erotic drama, not always in that order. :p The goal was to produce an erotic film that combines traditional elements of a good film - story, acting, sound and cinematography - with uninhibited erotic scenes. For this reason, the cast was mostly adult actors in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Here's the original thread I posed in early 2010, where I was encouraged to provide updates.

I tried it. I was working for a fetish company during some
lean times and thought that incorporating a story would
make a better product. I convinced the owner to put up
some money and he and I wrote a script. I put in my sense
of story and character, he made sure we hit the points his
customer base was looking for.

We missed on both accounts.

In order for it to be a "real" movie there had to be a good
story with drama, a hook and some twists. There had to be
interesting characters. In order for it to appeal to the fetish
market it had to have all the elements of the particular fetish.
We tried to incorporate three different, though complimentary,

We discovered that most fetish models couldn't act, didn't want
to take the time to memorize lines and shoot the "talking stuff",
as several of them referred to it. And we discovered that the
fetish aspects really turned off any potential "regular" market.

It was an expensive experiment that, in my case, failed. I wish
you the best of luck in making this succeed. I hope you will keep
us updated on your progress.

After the greater part of a year, I'm happy to report that all critical principal photography is complete. In big budget terms, that would mean that first unit photography is done. In my nano-budget world, it means that if the entire cast relocated to Bora Bora tomorrow, the film could be completed without having to fly to the south pacific for more takes.

With a long production phase like this, a lot of challenges have come up... last second scheduling changes happened regularly, people unexpected changed their appearances, and access to locations were lost in the middle of production. However, I've had great breaks too - new cast members joining (playboy model!) and a lot of people helped here and there to be the crew.

I shot the movie as quickly as I could, but in retrospect, shooting production for so long was dangerous. If a key actor relocated anytime after the halfway point, the production would have died. With 3-4 critical roles and nearly a year shooting, the odds were probably not in my favor.

There's still months of b-roll and post production left. But as of Sunday, enough is in the can to complete the movie so I'm excited and relieved a the same time. Here's the preliminary web site for the movie if anyone's interested - flash only for now, but html coming soon (tasteful, but NSFW)


I'll provide more updates if there's interest, and I'm happy to answer questions. It's a unique project in many ways. I'd also like thank everyone who gave me suggestions and advice in the initial thread.

- Chi
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I shot the movie as quickly as I could, but in retrospect, shooting production for so long was dangerous. If a key actor relocated anytime after the halfway point, the production would have died. With 3-4 critical roles and nearly a year shooting, the odds were probably not in my favor.

Why did it take so long to shoot? With b-roll to shoot, still.
Why did it take so long to shoot? With b-roll to shoot, still.

It was mostly the availability of the cast. I was only able to do the project when they had free days to shoot my project between their gigs, and the average shoot day was only 5-6 hours due to their availability. With conflicting schedules, scenes with multiple people could only be shot about 1-2 times a month.

A side effect is that I spent a lot of time rewriting the script at the last minute. I always chose to rewrite the script to shoot anyone who was available, than to wait until everyone was free.

I'm really happy I got screenplay software. I'd have been sunk trying to keep up if all I had was Word.
Yah, CeltX is good stuff.

I'm quite interested to see how this turns out. The documentary "Inside Deep Throat" talked about how the filmmakers envisioning a future (and a very mainstream) fusion of acting & sex, which obviously hasn't happened.

It sounds like your production is aiming for something more than just softcore/skinemax. Can you elaborate?